Open Letter for the
Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia
Dear Mr. Anies Baswedan
We write this letter because we as
students who will face UN next year feel so confuse and worry about the
decision that chord by you sir and also the negative impact that will
potentially harm us as students.
As we know that UN in 2016 is very
different than the other UN on previous years. Because for the first time UN
will be held with 2 curriculums at the same time. The first is Kurikulum
Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) and the second is Kurikulum 2013 (k-13). This
thing make us as students feel confuse and more scare about UN that we will
face next year, and also this feelings might be impact to our UN result.
Mr. Ramon Mohandas as a head of Pusat Kurikulum dan Perbukuan
(Puskurbuk) Kemendikbud said “for handle this thing, we will take the tangent
between KTSP and K13”. Of course we us students really appreciated the “Irisan”
strategy that chosen by government to be the best way to handle this polemic
dualism curriculum.
But in theory, enact the UN with 2 curriculums, where the curriculum
has different essence and method would be difficult to be held. This things of
course make us more worry about UN next year. From book of instructional design
principle that evaluation must include all the test of all aspects, including
material and subject where already
presented. Meanwhile the
principle of evaluation adheres to three principles, namely: comprehensive, balance, and objectivity. So it
could say that UN with 2 curriculums using the tangent between KTSP and K13
potentially to against the principle
of evaluation (comprehensive principle, the principle of balance, and the
principle of objectivity).
1. Potentially to Against the Comprehensive principle
strategy most likely would against the Comprehensive principle, let’s think!
When some of schools using KTSP as their Guideline and then when they are
almost peak the time of final Exams (UN) there are come up the grille of UN
with that “Model Irisan”. For example, Bahasa Indonesia subjects on KTSP and K-13 in materially is
different. KTSP based on communicative (competency listening, reading,
speaking, writing, and literature), while the K13 based on text (genre) is
learning to more about the types of text discourse. Looking for the tangent of
the material would be difficult because of the different material that already
presented on different curriculum. As we know that the exams should has material
that already presented. If the exams has material that never present before, so
that is clear against the principles of comprehensive.
Potentially to Against the Principle of
We know that
KTSP based on subject, they are Math, IPA, Bahasa Indonesia, English, and so
on. While K13 based on genre and using thematic integrative, we as students learn with a theme and then the
UN use subjects to be examination, for sure that is not fair for us if we should to sort out the material by
subject, and it would take much energy, mind, and power. So that is clear
against the principles of balance.
Potentially to Against the Principle of Objectivity
Making questions of the exam with “Irisan”
model is not easy. If the question maker is inaccurate, that will impact to us
as students. For example, we used K13 and then when UN we find the material of
KTSP that we never learn before, of course that will impact to our results. That is clear against the principles of objectivity.
UN is not about test our competence
of students, but also has a function to show the quality of education in
Indonesia. So we want ask Mr. Ministry, are you sure with the decision to use 2
curriculums at the same time in UN? Will the results of the UN use for show the quality of education
in Indonesia?
We as students who exactly will face
the UN next year are still confuse with the decision of Mr. Ministry that held
UN with 2 curriculums that each other is very different. With this letter, we
want to make sure, will UN 2017 held like UN 2016 that we know so potentially
to against the principle of
evaluation? Or will UN 2017 be change and not use “irisan” strategy?
Although we know that UN in this
year is not benchmark of graduation students, but UN result is still important
and has impact especially to us as students. Because of that, we hope that Mr.
Ministry can find the best solution for the next UN, so we as students not feel
depress and stress out because of this different curriculum, that worried it
will has a negative impact to our results later.
It is all that we want to convey,
hope you sir can understand and immediately give us the solution and also certainty about UN next year, all of this is not for us
personally but for all students who will do UN next year.
Jarullah & Alfi Cahya Pratiwi
of Sman 10 Samarinda)
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